Possible’s Mother’s Day Contest

Possible’s Mother’s Day Contest

Possible’s Mother’s Day Contest

Official Rules


  1. ELIGIBILITY: The Mother’s Day Contest (the “Contest”) is open to legal residents of any of the fifty (50) states in the United States of America or the District of Columbia who (i) have reached the age of majority in their respective states of residence and (ii) did not purchase any products or services in order to enter this Contest.  Employees, officers, directors, equity holders, agents, and representatives (and their immediate family members (i.e. parents, spouses, children, siblings and grandparents, and household members, whether or not related) of Sponsor; and any other person or entity associated with the Contest (collectively, “Contest Persons”), are NOT eligible. The Contest is subject to all federal, state, and local laws and is void where restricted or prohibited. 

  2. AGREEMENT TO OFFICIAL RULES: Participation in this Contest constitutes entrant’s full and unconditional agreement to these Official Rules and Sponsor’s decisions and interpretation of these Official Rules, which are final, conclusive and binding in all matters related to this Contest. 

  3. SPONSOR: The sponsor of the Contest is Possible Financial Inc, PO Box 98686, Las Vegas, NV 89193 (the “Sponsor”).  

  4. CONTEST PERIOD: The Contest begins on May 1, 2024 at 10:00 AM PST, and ends on May 9, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. PST (the “Contest Period”). Sponsor’s computer is the official time-keeping device for the Contest. 

  5. HOW TO ENTER THE CONTEST: NO PURCHASE OR PAYMENT NECESSARY. A purchase or payment will not increase chances of winning.  At the beginning of the Contest Period, Sponsor will post an announcement of this Contest.  Potential entrants will be prompted to submit a video through the Vouch platform as described in the announcement and these Official Rules (each a “Submission”).   

Normal Internet access and usage charges imposed by online services will apply and are the entrant’s responsibility.  In addition, if an entrant uses a mobile device to participate in the Contest, message and data rates may apply and are the entrant’s responsibility.  

Entrants are required to provide truthful information and Sponsor will reject and delete any Submission that it discovers to be false or fraudulent. Sponsor, in its sole discretion, may remove the Submission and disqualify the entrant from the Contest if it believes the Submission fails to so conform. Sponsor will disqualify any Submission from entrants who do not meet the eligibility requirements and may also delete any Submission received from persons under the age of thirteen (13) in compliance with the U.S. Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act and applicable privacy legislation. 


  • Clarity and Detail. Submissions that clearly articulate details will be favored.

  • Authenticity. Must be genuine and authentic and reflect the true experiences of the participant.

  • Impact. Evaluated based on significant impact on participant's life, such as achieving financial goals, overcoming challenges, or improving well-being.

  • Relevance. Should directly address how the loan effected borrower's financial well-being.

Content Restrictions: 

  • The Submission must be original to the entrant and cannot have been submitted previously in a promotion of any kind;

  • The Submission must not contain material that violates or infringes another’s rights, including but not limited to privacy, publicity or intellectual property rights; 

  • The Submission must not contain brand names or trademarks other than those owned by Sponsor, which entrant has a limited license to use in his/her Submission in this Contest; 

  • The Submission must not disparage Sponsor or any other person or party; 

  • The Submission must not contain material that is inappropriate, offensive, indecent, obscene, tortious, defamatory, slanderous or libelous; 

  • The Submission must not contain material that is unlawful, in violation of, or contrary to the laws or regulations in any state where Submission is created. 

Limit: Submissions must be received before the end of the Contest Period to be eligible for the Contest.  Late entries will not be accepted.  Each entrant may submit only one (1) entry during the Contest Period.  Only the first Submission submitted during the Contest Period will be considered. Use of different names or aliases by the same entrant is prohibited. 

SPONSOR’S USE OF SUBMISSIONS: By providing a Submission, each entrant (a) represents and warrants that it has all right, title and interest in and to the Submission and has all necessary permissions to grant rights in the Submission to Sponsor as set forth in these Official Rules and (b) irrevocably grants, transfers, conveys and assigns to Sponsor the entirety of the rights in and to the Submission, and gives Sponsor a royalty-free, irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive license to use, reproduce, modify, publish, create derivative works from, and display such Submission, in whole or in part, on a worldwide basis, and to incorporate it into other works, in any form, media or technology, including for promotional or marketing purposes, and each entrant waives its moral rights therein. Entering and participating in this Contest constitute and signify each entrant’s agreement and consent that Sponsor and its designees may use the entrant’s name, city, state, likeness, photo, Submission, and/or prize information in connection with the Contest for promotional, advertising, or other purposes, worldwide, in any and all media, including the Internet, without limitation and without further payment, notification, permission or other consideration, except where prohibited by law. If requested, entrant will sign any documentation that may be required for Sponsor or its designees to record and perfect its rights in the Submission and make full and unrestricted use of the Submission as set forth herein.  Each entrant accepts and acknowledges that Sponsor, in its sole discretion, shall have the right to use or refrain from using the Submission. 

  1. WINNER DETERMINATION AND NOTIFICATION: Sponsor will appoint a judging committee, with judges chosen by Sponsor in its sole discretion.  Sponsor reserves the right to change the membership of the panel of judges at any time.  On or around May 10, 2024, the judging committee will select twenty (24) potential winner from among all eligible Submissions received during the Contest Period based on responsiveness to the Guidelines described above, creativity, and passion for the subject matter of the Contest (“Judging Criteria”). Sponsor will not disclose Judging Criteria assigned to each Submission. 

Potential winners will be notified using the contact information included in its Submission and given instructions for claiming its prize, subject to fulfilling all applicable conditions set out in these Official Rules. Potential winners must respond to the winner notification from Sponsor within forty-eight (48) hours of receipt of the notification. If a potential winner does not respond or is not reachable, or if notification is returned as undeliverable, or if the potential winner does not satisfy all applicable conditions set out in these Official Rules, then the prize will be forfeited and an alternate potential winner may be selected from among all remaining eligible Submissions at Sponsor’s sole discretion.  The odds of winning depend on the total number of eligible Submissions received during the Contest Period. Major restrictions apply to the use, availability or receipt of any prize. A potential winner may be required to confirm its eligibility and release Contest Persons from liability to receive any prize.

  1. PRIZES: The confirmed winner will receive a gift card of $200.00. Verifiable Retail Value: $200.00. Twenty four (24) prizes will be awarded, with a total Verifiable Retail Value of $4800.00. No substitution or transfer of prize or any prize component is permitted, except at the sole discretion of Sponsor. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Sponsor reserves the right to substitute a prize, or any component thereof, of equivalent or greater value. All applicable federal, state, provincial and local taxes are the sole responsibility of each respective winner, who will receive an IRS Form 1099 reflecting the final value of any prizes awarded to winner by Sponsor with a total value of $600.00 or more in a single year, as applicable.  The winner is advised to seek advice from their own legal or tax professionals regarding the tax implications of accepting a prize. Delivery and use of the prize is subject to the winner’s completion of all documentation and conditions required by law or otherwise required by Sponsor. Contest Persons are not responsible for lost or stolen prize packs. 

  2. WINNER VERIFICATION: THE POTENTIAL WINNERS ARE SUBJECT TO VERIFICATION BY SPONSOR.  AN ENTRANT IS NOT A WINNER OF ANY PRIZE, EVEN IF ENTRANT RECEIVES INFORMATION TO THE CONTRARY, UNLESS AND UNTIL ENTRANT’S ELIGIBILITY, AND THE POTENTIAL WINNING SUBMISSION, HAVE BEEN VERIFIED, ALL PRIZE WINNER DOCUMENTS (AS DEFINED BELOW) HAVE BEEN COMPLETED, AND ENTRANT HAS BEEN NOTIFIED THAT VERIFICATION AND DOCUMENTS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED.  Sponsor may send the potential winners an affidavit of eligibility and liability and publicity release within three (3) days of notification before a prize is awarded. A potential winner and its representatives may be required to submit to a confidential background check to confirm eligibility and help ensure that the use of such winner or its representatives in advertising or publicity will not bring Sponsor into public disrepute, contempt, scandal or ridicule or reflect unfavorably on the Contest or Sponsor, as Sponsor may determine in its sole discretion.  The affidavit of eligibility, liability and publicity release, and any documentation Sponsor may require to perform a background check on a potential winner are the “Prize Winner Documents.”  If a potential winner fails to return the completed Prize Winner Documents within three (3) days, or if the potential winner is ineligible, the prize will be forfeited, and an alternate winner may be selected, at Sponsor’s sole discretion, from all eligible Submissions received. 

  3. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY AND INDEMNIFICATION: By participating in this Contest, each entrant agrees to be bound by these Official Rules and the decisions of Sponsor (whose decisions are final and binding in all respects), to waive any rights to claim ambiguity with the Official Rules, and that Contest Persons shall have no responsibility or liability (including, but not limited to, liability for any property loss, damage, personal injury or death) in connection with: participation in this Contest, or the acceptance, redemption, or use of any prize or related activities; human error; incorrect or inaccurate transcription of Submission information; acceptance/possession, use/misuse and/or defects of the prizes awarded herein; any technical malfunctions of the telephone network, computer online system, computer dating mechanism, computer equipment, software, internet service provider used in entering or operating the Contest; interruption or inability to access the Contest due to hardware or software compatibility problems; any damage to entrant’s (or any third person’s) computer and/or its contents related to or resulting from any part of this Contest; any lost/delayed data transmissions, omissions, interruptions, defects and/or any other error or malfunctions, even if caused by the negligence of any Contest Person. Each entrant further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Contest Persons from any and all liability resulting or arising from the entrant’s participation the Contest, to release all rights to bring any claim, action or proceeding against the Contest Persons, and hereby acknowledge that said Contest Persons have neither made nor are in any manner responsible or liable for any warranty, representation or guarantee, express or implied, in fact or in law, relative to any prize, including express warranties provided exclusively by a prize supplier that are sent along with a prize.

  4. DISCLAIMERS:  Sponsor reserves the right in its sole discretion to disqualify any entrant that tampers or attempts to tamper with the entry process or the operation of the Contest; violates the Official Rules; or acts in an un-sportsmanlike or disruptive manner, or with the intent to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass any other person. Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Contest for any reason, at its sole discretion, including, without limitation, if it is not capable of running as planned, including, but not limited to, infection by computer virus, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures, or any other problems beyond the control of Sponsor and, in Sponsor’s sole discretion, award prizes from among all eligible Submissions received prior to termination, as applicable.

  5. DATA PROTECTION/PRIVACY: Personal information collected by Sponsor in connection with the Contest is subject to Sponsor’s privacy policy located at https://www.possiblefinance.com/privacy-policy/ and applicable data protection laws. By entering the Contest, each entrant agrees to the collection, processing, disclosure and storage of entrant’s personal data by Sponsor for purposes of the Contest. Except as otherwise provided herein for the use of certain participant information and for the use of any Submission, personal information collected by Sponsor from each entrant will only be used for the purpose of the Contest.  

  6. NO ENDORSEMENT OR AFFILIATION. This Contest is not sponsored, endorsed or administered by, nor associated with any social media platform (each, a “Social Media Platform”). Each Submission is provided to Sponsor, not any Social Media Platform, and that by entering the Contest, each entrant releases all Social Media Platforms from any claim regarding the Contest. Questions, comments or complaints regarding this Contest must be directed to Sponsor and not to any Social Media Platform.

  7. GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTION:  By entering this Contest, entrants agree that, to the fullest extent permitted under applicable law, all issues and questions concerning the construction, validity, interpretation and enforceability of these Official Rules, participant’s rights and obligations, or and the rights and obligations of Sponsor in connection with this Contest, shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Delaware without giving effect to any choice of law or conflict of law rules.  By entering, entrants consent to the jurisdiction and venue of the federal, state and local courts located in Wilmington, Delaware.

  8. RULES & WINNER’S ANNOUNCEMENT: The name of the winners and/or these Official Rules may be posted on Sponsor’s website after winner confirmation is complete.


Official Rules


  1. ELIGIBILITY: The Mother’s Day Contest (the “Contest”) is open to legal residents of any of the fifty (50) states in the United States of America or the District of Columbia who (i) have reached the age of majority in their respective states of residence and (ii) did not purchase any products or services in order to enter this Contest.  Employees, officers, directors, equity holders, agents, and representatives (and their immediate family members (i.e. parents, spouses, children, siblings and grandparents, and household members, whether or not related) of Sponsor; and any other person or entity associated with the Contest (collectively, “Contest Persons”), are NOT eligible. The Contest is subject to all federal, state, and local laws and is void where restricted or prohibited. 

  2. AGREEMENT TO OFFICIAL RULES: Participation in this Contest constitutes entrant’s full and unconditional agreement to these Official Rules and Sponsor’s decisions and interpretation of these Official Rules, which are final, conclusive and binding in all matters related to this Contest. 

  3. SPONSOR: The sponsor of the Contest is Possible Financial Inc, PO Box 98686, Las Vegas, NV 89193 (the “Sponsor”).  

  4. CONTEST PERIOD: The Contest begins on May 1, 2024 at 10:00 AM PST, and ends on May 9, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. PST (the “Contest Period”). Sponsor’s computer is the official time-keeping device for the Contest. 

  5. HOW TO ENTER THE CONTEST: NO PURCHASE OR PAYMENT NECESSARY. A purchase or payment will not increase chances of winning.  At the beginning of the Contest Period, Sponsor will post an announcement of this Contest.  Potential entrants will be prompted to submit a video through the Vouch platform as described in the announcement and these Official Rules (each a “Submission”).   

Normal Internet access and usage charges imposed by online services will apply and are the entrant’s responsibility.  In addition, if an entrant uses a mobile device to participate in the Contest, message and data rates may apply and are the entrant’s responsibility.  

Entrants are required to provide truthful information and Sponsor will reject and delete any Submission that it discovers to be false or fraudulent. Sponsor, in its sole discretion, may remove the Submission and disqualify the entrant from the Contest if it believes the Submission fails to so conform. Sponsor will disqualify any Submission from entrants who do not meet the eligibility requirements and may also delete any Submission received from persons under the age of thirteen (13) in compliance with the U.S. Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act and applicable privacy legislation. 


  • Clarity and Detail. Submissions that clearly articulate details will be favored.

  • Authenticity. Must be genuine and authentic and reflect the true experiences of the participant.

  • Impact. Evaluated based on significant impact on participant's life, such as achieving financial goals, overcoming challenges, or improving well-being.

  • Relevance. Should directly address how the loan effected borrower's financial well-being.

Content Restrictions: 

  • The Submission must be original to the entrant and cannot have been submitted previously in a promotion of any kind;

  • The Submission must not contain material that violates or infringes another’s rights, including but not limited to privacy, publicity or intellectual property rights; 

  • The Submission must not contain brand names or trademarks other than those owned by Sponsor, which entrant has a limited license to use in his/her Submission in this Contest; 

  • The Submission must not disparage Sponsor or any other person or party; 

  • The Submission must not contain material that is inappropriate, offensive, indecent, obscene, tortious, defamatory, slanderous or libelous; 

  • The Submission must not contain material that is unlawful, in violation of, or contrary to the laws or regulations in any state where Submission is created. 

Limit: Submissions must be received before the end of the Contest Period to be eligible for the Contest.  Late entries will not be accepted.  Each entrant may submit only one (1) entry during the Contest Period.  Only the first Submission submitted during the Contest Period will be considered. Use of different names or aliases by the same entrant is prohibited. 

SPONSOR’S USE OF SUBMISSIONS: By providing a Submission, each entrant (a) represents and warrants that it has all right, title and interest in and to the Submission and has all necessary permissions to grant rights in the Submission to Sponsor as set forth in these Official Rules and (b) irrevocably grants, transfers, conveys and assigns to Sponsor the entirety of the rights in and to the Submission, and gives Sponsor a royalty-free, irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive license to use, reproduce, modify, publish, create derivative works from, and display such Submission, in whole or in part, on a worldwide basis, and to incorporate it into other works, in any form, media or technology, including for promotional or marketing purposes, and each entrant waives its moral rights therein. Entering and participating in this Contest constitute and signify each entrant’s agreement and consent that Sponsor and its designees may use the entrant’s name, city, state, likeness, photo, Submission, and/or prize information in connection with the Contest for promotional, advertising, or other purposes, worldwide, in any and all media, including the Internet, without limitation and without further payment, notification, permission or other consideration, except where prohibited by law. If requested, entrant will sign any documentation that may be required for Sponsor or its designees to record and perfect its rights in the Submission and make full and unrestricted use of the Submission as set forth herein.  Each entrant accepts and acknowledges that Sponsor, in its sole discretion, shall have the right to use or refrain from using the Submission. 

  1. WINNER DETERMINATION AND NOTIFICATION: Sponsor will appoint a judging committee, with judges chosen by Sponsor in its sole discretion.  Sponsor reserves the right to change the membership of the panel of judges at any time.  On or around May 10, 2024, the judging committee will select twenty (24) potential winner from among all eligible Submissions received during the Contest Period based on responsiveness to the Guidelines described above, creativity, and passion for the subject matter of the Contest (“Judging Criteria”). Sponsor will not disclose Judging Criteria assigned to each Submission. 

Potential winners will be notified using the contact information included in its Submission and given instructions for claiming its prize, subject to fulfilling all applicable conditions set out in these Official Rules. Potential winners must respond to the winner notification from Sponsor within forty-eight (48) hours of receipt of the notification. If a potential winner does not respond or is not reachable, or if notification is returned as undeliverable, or if the potential winner does not satisfy all applicable conditions set out in these Official Rules, then the prize will be forfeited and an alternate potential winner may be selected from among all remaining eligible Submissions at Sponsor’s sole discretion.  The odds of winning depend on the total number of eligible Submissions received during the Contest Period. Major restrictions apply to the use, availability or receipt of any prize. A potential winner may be required to confirm its eligibility and release Contest Persons from liability to receive any prize.

  1. PRIZES: The confirmed winner will receive a gift card of $200.00. Verifiable Retail Value: $200.00. Twenty four (24) prizes will be awarded, with a total Verifiable Retail Value of $4800.00. No substitution or transfer of prize or any prize component is permitted, except at the sole discretion of Sponsor. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Sponsor reserves the right to substitute a prize, or any component thereof, of equivalent or greater value. All applicable federal, state, provincial and local taxes are the sole responsibility of each respective winner, who will receive an IRS Form 1099 reflecting the final value of any prizes awarded to winner by Sponsor with a total value of $600.00 or more in a single year, as applicable.  The winner is advised to seek advice from their own legal or tax professionals regarding the tax implications of accepting a prize. Delivery and use of the prize is subject to the winner’s completion of all documentation and conditions required by law or otherwise required by Sponsor. Contest Persons are not responsible for lost or stolen prize packs. 

  2. WINNER VERIFICATION: THE POTENTIAL WINNERS ARE SUBJECT TO VERIFICATION BY SPONSOR.  AN ENTRANT IS NOT A WINNER OF ANY PRIZE, EVEN IF ENTRANT RECEIVES INFORMATION TO THE CONTRARY, UNLESS AND UNTIL ENTRANT’S ELIGIBILITY, AND THE POTENTIAL WINNING SUBMISSION, HAVE BEEN VERIFIED, ALL PRIZE WINNER DOCUMENTS (AS DEFINED BELOW) HAVE BEEN COMPLETED, AND ENTRANT HAS BEEN NOTIFIED THAT VERIFICATION AND DOCUMENTS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED.  Sponsor may send the potential winners an affidavit of eligibility and liability and publicity release within three (3) days of notification before a prize is awarded. A potential winner and its representatives may be required to submit to a confidential background check to confirm eligibility and help ensure that the use of such winner or its representatives in advertising or publicity will not bring Sponsor into public disrepute, contempt, scandal or ridicule or reflect unfavorably on the Contest or Sponsor, as Sponsor may determine in its sole discretion.  The affidavit of eligibility, liability and publicity release, and any documentation Sponsor may require to perform a background check on a potential winner are the “Prize Winner Documents.”  If a potential winner fails to return the completed Prize Winner Documents within three (3) days, or if the potential winner is ineligible, the prize will be forfeited, and an alternate winner may be selected, at Sponsor’s sole discretion, from all eligible Submissions received. 

  3. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY AND INDEMNIFICATION: By participating in this Contest, each entrant agrees to be bound by these Official Rules and the decisions of Sponsor (whose decisions are final and binding in all respects), to waive any rights to claim ambiguity with the Official Rules, and that Contest Persons shall have no responsibility or liability (including, but not limited to, liability for any property loss, damage, personal injury or death) in connection with: participation in this Contest, or the acceptance, redemption, or use of any prize or related activities; human error; incorrect or inaccurate transcription of Submission information; acceptance/possession, use/misuse and/or defects of the prizes awarded herein; any technical malfunctions of the telephone network, computer online system, computer dating mechanism, computer equipment, software, internet service provider used in entering or operating the Contest; interruption or inability to access the Contest due to hardware or software compatibility problems; any damage to entrant’s (or any third person’s) computer and/or its contents related to or resulting from any part of this Contest; any lost/delayed data transmissions, omissions, interruptions, defects and/or any other error or malfunctions, even if caused by the negligence of any Contest Person. Each entrant further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Contest Persons from any and all liability resulting or arising from the entrant’s participation the Contest, to release all rights to bring any claim, action or proceeding against the Contest Persons, and hereby acknowledge that said Contest Persons have neither made nor are in any manner responsible or liable for any warranty, representation or guarantee, express or implied, in fact or in law, relative to any prize, including express warranties provided exclusively by a prize supplier that are sent along with a prize.

  4. DISCLAIMERS:  Sponsor reserves the right in its sole discretion to disqualify any entrant that tampers or attempts to tamper with the entry process or the operation of the Contest; violates the Official Rules; or acts in an un-sportsmanlike or disruptive manner, or with the intent to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass any other person. Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Contest for any reason, at its sole discretion, including, without limitation, if it is not capable of running as planned, including, but not limited to, infection by computer virus, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures, or any other problems beyond the control of Sponsor and, in Sponsor’s sole discretion, award prizes from among all eligible Submissions received prior to termination, as applicable.

  5. DATA PROTECTION/PRIVACY: Personal information collected by Sponsor in connection with the Contest is subject to Sponsor’s privacy policy located at https://www.possiblefinance.com/privacy-policy/ and applicable data protection laws. By entering the Contest, each entrant agrees to the collection, processing, disclosure and storage of entrant’s personal data by Sponsor for purposes of the Contest. Except as otherwise provided herein for the use of certain participant information and for the use of any Submission, personal information collected by Sponsor from each entrant will only be used for the purpose of the Contest.  

  6. NO ENDORSEMENT OR AFFILIATION. This Contest is not sponsored, endorsed or administered by, nor associated with any social media platform (each, a “Social Media Platform”). Each Submission is provided to Sponsor, not any Social Media Platform, and that by entering the Contest, each entrant releases all Social Media Platforms from any claim regarding the Contest. Questions, comments or complaints regarding this Contest must be directed to Sponsor and not to any Social Media Platform.

  7. GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTION:  By entering this Contest, entrants agree that, to the fullest extent permitted under applicable law, all issues and questions concerning the construction, validity, interpretation and enforceability of these Official Rules, participant’s rights and obligations, or and the rights and obligations of Sponsor in connection with this Contest, shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Delaware without giving effect to any choice of law or conflict of law rules.  By entering, entrants consent to the jurisdiction and venue of the federal, state and local courts located in Wilmington, Delaware.

  8. RULES & WINNER’S ANNOUNCEMENT: The name of the winners and/or these Official Rules may be posted on Sponsor’s website after winner confirmation is complete.


Official Rules


  1. ELIGIBILITY: The Mother’s Day Contest (the “Contest”) is open to legal residents of any of the fifty (50) states in the United States of America or the District of Columbia who (i) have reached the age of majority in their respective states of residence and (ii) did not purchase any products or services in order to enter this Contest.  Employees, officers, directors, equity holders, agents, and representatives (and their immediate family members (i.e. parents, spouses, children, siblings and grandparents, and household members, whether or not related) of Sponsor; and any other person or entity associated with the Contest (collectively, “Contest Persons”), are NOT eligible. The Contest is subject to all federal, state, and local laws and is void where restricted or prohibited. 

  2. AGREEMENT TO OFFICIAL RULES: Participation in this Contest constitutes entrant’s full and unconditional agreement to these Official Rules and Sponsor’s decisions and interpretation of these Official Rules, which are final, conclusive and binding in all matters related to this Contest. 

  3. SPONSOR: The sponsor of the Contest is Possible Financial Inc, PO Box 98686, Las Vegas, NV 89193 (the “Sponsor”).  

  4. CONTEST PERIOD: The Contest begins on May 1, 2024 at 10:00 AM PST, and ends on May 9, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. PST (the “Contest Period”). Sponsor’s computer is the official time-keeping device for the Contest. 

  5. HOW TO ENTER THE CONTEST: NO PURCHASE OR PAYMENT NECESSARY. A purchase or payment will not increase chances of winning.  At the beginning of the Contest Period, Sponsor will post an announcement of this Contest.  Potential entrants will be prompted to submit a video through the Vouch platform as described in the announcement and these Official Rules (each a “Submission”).   

Normal Internet access and usage charges imposed by online services will apply and are the entrant’s responsibility.  In addition, if an entrant uses a mobile device to participate in the Contest, message and data rates may apply and are the entrant’s responsibility.  

Entrants are required to provide truthful information and Sponsor will reject and delete any Submission that it discovers to be false or fraudulent. Sponsor, in its sole discretion, may remove the Submission and disqualify the entrant from the Contest if it believes the Submission fails to so conform. Sponsor will disqualify any Submission from entrants who do not meet the eligibility requirements and may also delete any Submission received from persons under the age of thirteen (13) in compliance with the U.S. Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act and applicable privacy legislation. 


  • Clarity and Detail. Submissions that clearly articulate details will be favored.

  • Authenticity. Must be genuine and authentic and reflect the true experiences of the participant.

  • Impact. Evaluated based on significant impact on participant's life, such as achieving financial goals, overcoming challenges, or improving well-being.

  • Relevance. Should directly address how the loan effected borrower's financial well-being.

Content Restrictions: 

  • The Submission must be original to the entrant and cannot have been submitted previously in a promotion of any kind;

  • The Submission must not contain material that violates or infringes another’s rights, including but not limited to privacy, publicity or intellectual property rights; 

  • The Submission must not contain brand names or trademarks other than those owned by Sponsor, which entrant has a limited license to use in his/her Submission in this Contest; 

  • The Submission must not disparage Sponsor or any other person or party; 

  • The Submission must not contain material that is inappropriate, offensive, indecent, obscene, tortious, defamatory, slanderous or libelous; 

  • The Submission must not contain material that is unlawful, in violation of, or contrary to the laws or regulations in any state where Submission is created. 

Limit: Submissions must be received before the end of the Contest Period to be eligible for the Contest.  Late entries will not be accepted.  Each entrant may submit only one (1) entry during the Contest Period.  Only the first Submission submitted during the Contest Period will be considered. Use of different names or aliases by the same entrant is prohibited. 

SPONSOR’S USE OF SUBMISSIONS: By providing a Submission, each entrant (a) represents and warrants that it has all right, title and interest in and to the Submission and has all necessary permissions to grant rights in the Submission to Sponsor as set forth in these Official Rules and (b) irrevocably grants, transfers, conveys and assigns to Sponsor the entirety of the rights in and to the Submission, and gives Sponsor a royalty-free, irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive license to use, reproduce, modify, publish, create derivative works from, and display such Submission, in whole or in part, on a worldwide basis, and to incorporate it into other works, in any form, media or technology, including for promotional or marketing purposes, and each entrant waives its moral rights therein. Entering and participating in this Contest constitute and signify each entrant’s agreement and consent that Sponsor and its designees may use the entrant’s name, city, state, likeness, photo, Submission, and/or prize information in connection with the Contest for promotional, advertising, or other purposes, worldwide, in any and all media, including the Internet, without limitation and without further payment, notification, permission or other consideration, except where prohibited by law. If requested, entrant will sign any documentation that may be required for Sponsor or its designees to record and perfect its rights in the Submission and make full and unrestricted use of the Submission as set forth herein.  Each entrant accepts and acknowledges that Sponsor, in its sole discretion, shall have the right to use or refrain from using the Submission. 

  1. WINNER DETERMINATION AND NOTIFICATION: Sponsor will appoint a judging committee, with judges chosen by Sponsor in its sole discretion.  Sponsor reserves the right to change the membership of the panel of judges at any time.  On or around May 10, 2024, the judging committee will select twenty (24) potential winner from among all eligible Submissions received during the Contest Period based on responsiveness to the Guidelines described above, creativity, and passion for the subject matter of the Contest (“Judging Criteria”). Sponsor will not disclose Judging Criteria assigned to each Submission. 

Potential winners will be notified using the contact information included in its Submission and given instructions for claiming its prize, subject to fulfilling all applicable conditions set out in these Official Rules. Potential winners must respond to the winner notification from Sponsor within forty-eight (48) hours of receipt of the notification. If a potential winner does not respond or is not reachable, or if notification is returned as undeliverable, or if the potential winner does not satisfy all applicable conditions set out in these Official Rules, then the prize will be forfeited and an alternate potential winner may be selected from among all remaining eligible Submissions at Sponsor’s sole discretion.  The odds of winning depend on the total number of eligible Submissions received during the Contest Period. Major restrictions apply to the use, availability or receipt of any prize. A potential winner may be required to confirm its eligibility and release Contest Persons from liability to receive any prize.

  1. PRIZES: The confirmed winner will receive a gift card of $200.00. Verifiable Retail Value: $200.00. Twenty four (24) prizes will be awarded, with a total Verifiable Retail Value of $4800.00. No substitution or transfer of prize or any prize component is permitted, except at the sole discretion of Sponsor. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Sponsor reserves the right to substitute a prize, or any component thereof, of equivalent or greater value. All applicable federal, state, provincial and local taxes are the sole responsibility of each respective winner, who will receive an IRS Form 1099 reflecting the final value of any prizes awarded to winner by Sponsor with a total value of $600.00 or more in a single year, as applicable.  The winner is advised to seek advice from their own legal or tax professionals regarding the tax implications of accepting a prize. Delivery and use of the prize is subject to the winner’s completion of all documentation and conditions required by law or otherwise required by Sponsor. Contest Persons are not responsible for lost or stolen prize packs. 

  2. WINNER VERIFICATION: THE POTENTIAL WINNERS ARE SUBJECT TO VERIFICATION BY SPONSOR.  AN ENTRANT IS NOT A WINNER OF ANY PRIZE, EVEN IF ENTRANT RECEIVES INFORMATION TO THE CONTRARY, UNLESS AND UNTIL ENTRANT’S ELIGIBILITY, AND THE POTENTIAL WINNING SUBMISSION, HAVE BEEN VERIFIED, ALL PRIZE WINNER DOCUMENTS (AS DEFINED BELOW) HAVE BEEN COMPLETED, AND ENTRANT HAS BEEN NOTIFIED THAT VERIFICATION AND DOCUMENTS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED.  Sponsor may send the potential winners an affidavit of eligibility and liability and publicity release within three (3) days of notification before a prize is awarded. A potential winner and its representatives may be required to submit to a confidential background check to confirm eligibility and help ensure that the use of such winner or its representatives in advertising or publicity will not bring Sponsor into public disrepute, contempt, scandal or ridicule or reflect unfavorably on the Contest or Sponsor, as Sponsor may determine in its sole discretion.  The affidavit of eligibility, liability and publicity release, and any documentation Sponsor may require to perform a background check on a potential winner are the “Prize Winner Documents.”  If a potential winner fails to return the completed Prize Winner Documents within three (3) days, or if the potential winner is ineligible, the prize will be forfeited, and an alternate winner may be selected, at Sponsor’s sole discretion, from all eligible Submissions received. 

  3. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY AND INDEMNIFICATION: By participating in this Contest, each entrant agrees to be bound by these Official Rules and the decisions of Sponsor (whose decisions are final and binding in all respects), to waive any rights to claim ambiguity with the Official Rules, and that Contest Persons shall have no responsibility or liability (including, but not limited to, liability for any property loss, damage, personal injury or death) in connection with: participation in this Contest, or the acceptance, redemption, or use of any prize or related activities; human error; incorrect or inaccurate transcription of Submission information; acceptance/possession, use/misuse and/or defects of the prizes awarded herein; any technical malfunctions of the telephone network, computer online system, computer dating mechanism, computer equipment, software, internet service provider used in entering or operating the Contest; interruption or inability to access the Contest due to hardware or software compatibility problems; any damage to entrant’s (or any third person’s) computer and/or its contents related to or resulting from any part of this Contest; any lost/delayed data transmissions, omissions, interruptions, defects and/or any other error or malfunctions, even if caused by the negligence of any Contest Person. Each entrant further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Contest Persons from any and all liability resulting or arising from the entrant’s participation the Contest, to release all rights to bring any claim, action or proceeding against the Contest Persons, and hereby acknowledge that said Contest Persons have neither made nor are in any manner responsible or liable for any warranty, representation or guarantee, express or implied, in fact or in law, relative to any prize, including express warranties provided exclusively by a prize supplier that are sent along with a prize.

  4. DISCLAIMERS:  Sponsor reserves the right in its sole discretion to disqualify any entrant that tampers or attempts to tamper with the entry process or the operation of the Contest; violates the Official Rules; or acts in an un-sportsmanlike or disruptive manner, or with the intent to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass any other person. Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Contest for any reason, at its sole discretion, including, without limitation, if it is not capable of running as planned, including, but not limited to, infection by computer virus, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures, or any other problems beyond the control of Sponsor and, in Sponsor’s sole discretion, award prizes from among all eligible Submissions received prior to termination, as applicable.

  5. DATA PROTECTION/PRIVACY: Personal information collected by Sponsor in connection with the Contest is subject to Sponsor’s privacy policy located at https://www.possiblefinance.com/privacy-policy/ and applicable data protection laws. By entering the Contest, each entrant agrees to the collection, processing, disclosure and storage of entrant’s personal data by Sponsor for purposes of the Contest. Except as otherwise provided herein for the use of certain participant information and for the use of any Submission, personal information collected by Sponsor from each entrant will only be used for the purpose of the Contest.  

  6. NO ENDORSEMENT OR AFFILIATION. This Contest is not sponsored, endorsed or administered by, nor associated with any social media platform (each, a “Social Media Platform”). Each Submission is provided to Sponsor, not any Social Media Platform, and that by entering the Contest, each entrant releases all Social Media Platforms from any claim regarding the Contest. Questions, comments or complaints regarding this Contest must be directed to Sponsor and not to any Social Media Platform.

  7. GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTION:  By entering this Contest, entrants agree that, to the fullest extent permitted under applicable law, all issues and questions concerning the construction, validity, interpretation and enforceability of these Official Rules, participant’s rights and obligations, or and the rights and obligations of Sponsor in connection with this Contest, shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Delaware without giving effect to any choice of law or conflict of law rules.  By entering, entrants consent to the jurisdiction and venue of the federal, state and local courts located in Wilmington, Delaware.

  8. RULES & WINNER’S ANNOUNCEMENT: The name of the winners and/or these Official Rules may be posted on Sponsor’s website after winner confirmation is complete.


Scan the code and get started today in just a few minutes.

All products are subject to eligibility and approval by Possible Financial Inc. dba “Possible Finance” and “Possible” or its banking partner Coastal Community Bank. Eligibility for a product is not guaranteed.

For Loans, Possible Finance has direct lending licenses in CA, ID, LA, NV, OH, OR, UT and WA. Idaho Residents: License #RRL-10073; Louisiana Residents: License #1697898; Nevada License #CDTH11200; Ohio Residents: License #ST.760161.000; Washington License #530-CC/SL-111888. California Residents: Possible Finance is licensed by the Department of Financial Protection and Innovation, pursuant to the California Deferred Deposit Transaction Law, License #10DBO-105848.

Loans in AL, DE, FL, IA, IN, KS, KY, MI, MO, MS, OK, RI, SC, TN, and TX are made by Coastal Community Bank, and serviced by Possible Finance. Texas Residents: Possible Finance is a licensed Credit Access Business; License #1800061850-160823.

*Maximum loan amounts vary by state. In California, max loan amount is $250.

^Funds disbursement typically occurs within minutes of approval but can take up to five days.

† Improve credit with on-time payments. Credit scores are based on many factors and individual results may vary.

For examples of rates and terms, please visit https://www.possiblefinance.com/samplepaymentschedules

Possible Card is issued by Coastal Community Bank and serviced by Possible Finance. Arizona Residents: Licenses #CA-1033558, #CA-1041621, and #CA-1041622; California Residents: License #10595-99; Hawaii Residents: License #COLAX-1238-0; Illinois Residents: License #17.022449; Louisiana Residents: Registration #446766611; Maine Residents: License #SLM15758; Maryland Residents: License #1697898; Massachusetts Residents: Registration #LS1697898; Nebraska Residents: License #1697898; New Jersey: Registration #19095; North Dakota Residents: License #MB104104; Oregon Residents: License #1697898; Pennsylvania Residents: Registration #95262; South Dakota Residents: License #1697898.MYL; Vermont Residents: License #LSO-1697898; Washington Residents: License #6041888588-001-0001: West Virginia Residents: Registration #2417-3349.

Possible Card is issued by Coastal Community Bank, pursuant to its license with Mastercard International Incorporated.

All trademarks and brand names are property of their respective owners. Use of them does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by them.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact the Support Team by sending an email to support@PossibleFinance.com.

Mailing Address: Possible Finance, PO Box 98686, Las Vegas, NV 89193

Possible Financial Inc.© 2024 - NMLS #1697898

Scan the code and get started today in just a few minutes.

All products are subject to eligibility and approval by Possible Financial Inc. dba “Possible Finance” and “Possible” or its banking partner Coastal Community Bank. Eligibility for a product is not guaranteed.

For Loans, Possible Finance has direct lending licenses in CA, ID, LA, NV, OH, OR, UT and WA. Idaho Residents: License #RRL-10073; Louisiana Residents: License #1697898; Nevada License #CDTH11200; Ohio Residents: License #ST.760161.000; Washington License #530-CC/SL-111888. California Residents: Possible Finance is licensed by the Department of Financial Protection and Innovation, pursuant to the California Deferred Deposit Transaction Law, License #10DBO-105848.

Loans in AL, DE, FL, IA, IN, KS, KY, MI, MO, MS, OK, RI, SC, TN, and TX are made by Coastal Community Bank, and serviced by Possible Finance. Texas Residents: Possible Finance is a licensed Credit Access Business; License #1800061850-160823.

*Maximum loan amounts vary by state. In California, max loan amount is $250.

^Funds disbursement typically occurs within minutes of approval but can take up to five days.

† Improve credit with on-time payments. Credit scores are based on many factors and individual results may vary.

For examples of rates and terms, please visit https://www.possiblefinance.com/samplepaymentschedules

Possible Card is issued by Coastal Community Bank and serviced by Possible Finance. Arizona Residents: Licenses #CA-1033558, #CA-1041621, and #CA-1041622; California Residents: License #10595-99; Hawaii Residents: License #COLAX-1238-0; Illinois Residents: License #17.022449; Louisiana Residents: Registration #446766611; Maine Residents: License #SLM15758; Maryland Residents: License #1697898; Massachusetts Residents: Registration #LS1697898; Nebraska Residents: License #1697898; New Jersey: Registration #19095; North Dakota Residents: License #MB104104; Oregon Residents: License #1697898; Pennsylvania Residents: Registration #95262; South Dakota Residents: License #1697898.MYL; Vermont Residents: License #LSO-1697898; Washington Residents: License #6041888588-001-0001: West Virginia Residents: Registration #2417-3349.

Possible Card is issued by Coastal Community Bank, pursuant to its license with Mastercard International Incorporated.

All trademarks and brand names are property of their respective owners. Use of them does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by them.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact the Support Team by sending an email to support@PossibleFinance.com.

Mailing Address: Possible Finance, PO Box 98686, Las Vegas, NV 89193

Possible Financial Inc.© 2024 - NMLS #1697898

All products are subject to eligibility and approval by Possible Financial Inc. dba “Possible Finance” and “Possible” or its banking partner Coastal Community Bank. Eligibility for a product is not guaranteed.

For Loans, Possible Finance has direct lending licenses in CA, ID, LA, NV, OH, OR, UT and WA. Idaho Residents: License #RRL-10073; Louisiana Residents: License #1697898; Nevada License #CDTH11200; Ohio Residents: License #ST.760161.000; Washington License #530-CC/SL-111888. California Residents: Possible Finance is licensed by the Department of Financial Protection and Innovation, pursuant to the California Deferred Deposit Transaction Law, License #10DBO-105848.

Loans in AL, DE, FL, IA, IN, KS, KY, MI, MO, MS, OK, RI, SC, TN, and TX are made by Coastal Community Bank, and serviced by Possible Finance. Texas Residents: Possible Finance is a licensed Credit Access Business; License #1800061850-160823.

*Maximum loan amounts vary by state. In California, max loan amount is $250.

^Funds disbursement typically occurs within minutes of approval but can take up to five days.

† Improve credit with on-time payments. Credit scores are based on many factors and individual results may vary.

For examples of rates and terms, please visit https://www.possiblefinance.com/samplepaymentschedules

Possible Card is issued by Coastal Community Bank and serviced by Possible Finance. Arizona Residents: Licenses #CA-1033558, #CA-1041621, and #CA-1041622; California Residents: License #10595-99; Hawaii Residents: License #COLAX-1238-0; Illinois Residents: License #17.022449; Louisiana Residents: Registration #446766611; Maine Residents: License #SLM15758; Maryland Residents: License #1697898; Massachusetts Residents: Registration #LS1697898; Nebraska Residents: License #1697898; New Jersey: Registration #19095; North Dakota Residents: License #MB104104; Oregon Residents: License #1697898; Pennsylvania Residents: Registration #95262; South Dakota Residents: License #1697898.MYL; Vermont Residents: License #LSO-1697898; Washington Residents: License #6041888588-001-0001: West Virginia Residents: Registration #2417-3349.

Possible Card is issued by Coastal Community Bank, pursuant to its license with Mastercard International Incorporated.

All trademarks and brand names are property of their respective owners. Use of them does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by them.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact the Support Team by sending an email to support@PossibleFinance.com.

Mailing Address: Possible Finance, PO Box 98686, Las Vegas, NV 89193

Possible Financial Inc.© 2024 - NMLS #1697898